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LMS Route: The Shakespeare Route

Fenny Compton Station: smjfc181a

Close up showing another view of Fenny Compton's joint signal box with windows to all sides

Close up showing another view of Fenny Compton's joint signal box with windows to all sides, a necessary requirement to control both the LMS and GWR stations. The signal box has a walkway all the way around the windows to facilitate the signalman's cleaning of the windows. There are three fire buckets suspended from the wall at the far end of the box. As can beappreciated, the use of steam locomotives on the railway raised the possibility of a fire being started by a passing locomotive ejecting burning embers from its chimney. Arthur Jordon wrote in his book on the SMY that 'in 1874 the Great Western signalman observed a light in the East & West Junction Railway's booking office at 11pm but it was not until 2am did he decide to investigate what had become ‘a glaring light’ and, as the Stratford Herald reported subsequently, ‘The building was gutted by fire which destroyed the train staff apparatus. Fortunately the station was insured'.
