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GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton

Fenny Compton: gwrfc82a

Close up showing the GWR's original signal box at Fenny Compton built between the under bridge and the down platform

Close up of image 'gwrfc82' showing the GWR's original signal box at Fenny Compton built between the under bridge and the down platform. The level crossing also had a separate gate for passengers which allowed passengers to access the station even if the main road gate was closed. The pedestrian gates seen above seem to of a similar construction seen on many country trails where by the gate was situated between two sides thereby only allowing one pedestrian to enter at a time. The number of milk churns on the down platform indicates that station was used by a number of local farmers to carry their milk to further down the line, probably Leamington Spa. All of the seven lampposts are oil lit and this would have been the responsibility of the most junior member of staff to trim the wicks and to top up the oil.
