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GWR Route: Hatton to Bearley and Alcester Branch Junction

Aston Cantlow: gwrac3014

GWR Collett class 48xx 0-4-2T engine No 4801 with an auto trailer approaches Aston Cantlow Halt

One of the outer cases of an oil lamp from Aston Cantlow Halt. This halt had four platform lamps (see 'gwrac793'), but was unstaffed from its opening on Monday 18th December 1922. The lighting, trimming and filling of these lamps was the responsibility of a porter at Great Alne. Oil was stored in a standard corrugated-iron lamp hut at the end of the platform adjacent to the road bridge.

In view of the general condition of the lamp outer case, a copy of Great Western Railway Circular No 1969 (dated October 1910) - regarding the procedures to be adopted when replacement parts and repairs were necessary to Platform Oil Lamps, has been added. The contents of this circular were incorporated into future editions of General Appendix to the Book of Rules & Regulations.

Robert Ferris
